
How To Train A Dog With A Shock Collar (With Positive Conditioning)

Are you considering using a shock collar to train your dog? Shock collars are a popular way to train dogs, but they’re also controversial. Some people swear by them, while others think they’re cruel.

So, what’s the truth?

Are shock collars effective tools for training dogs, or are they just glorified electric fences?

By the way, we also wrote a separate article on pet camera collar such as dog collar with camera.

In this blog post, we’ll take a close look at shock collars – what they are, how to train your dog with them effectively – and help you decide whether or not they’re right for you and your dog.

So, how to train a dog with a shock collar? Let’s find out.

What Involves Positive Reinforcement Shock Collar Training for Dogs?

When used correctly, shock collars can be effective training tools. But, as with any training method, there are right and wrong ways to use them.

Positive reinforcement is key. With positive reinforcement, you reward your dog for good behavior. So what should I do? Let’s look at what is involved:


Try to command your dog to do something – sit, stay, come, etc. When your dog does what you ask, give them a treat. Repeat this process until your dog consistently does what you ask. Also, be sure to praise your dog when they do what you ask.

Ignoring The Command

If your dog does not obey the command, give them a mild shock from the collar. Be sure to only give a shock when they disobey the command and never for no reason. This will help your dog associate the shock with their disobedience.

Repeat this process until your dog consistently obeys the commands. In addition, make sure to praise your dog when they obey the commands.

Triggering The Shock Collar

Do not shock your dog for no reason. This will only confuse and scare them. Only give a shock when they disobey a command.

When your dog is consistently obeying the commands, you can begin to phase out the use of the shocks and treats. However, continue to praise your dog for good behavior.

Repeating The Command

If your dog does not obey the command, give them a mild shock from the collar. Be sure to only give a shock when they disobey the command and never for no reason. This will help your dog associate the shock with their disobedience.

brown dog on the field wearing a shock collar

Furthermore, make sure to repeat the commands frequently so that your dog does not forget them.

Dog Obeying The Command

When your dog obeys the commands, give them a treat and praise them.

With positive reinforcement, you reward your dog for good behavior. This will help your dog associate the shock with their disobedience so that they will be less likely to disobey in the future.

Positive reinforcement will not only help your dog learn the commands faster, but it will also help them to associate the commands with something positive.

Treats As A Reward

As we mentioned earlier, positive reinforcement is key when training your dog with a shock collar. So, what should you use as a reward?

Treats are always a good option. You can give your dog their favorite treats or even create a special treat just for training.

Whatever you decide to use as a reward, make sure it’s something your dog loves. This will help them to associate the commands with something positive.

As your dog begins to learn the commands, you can phase out the use of treats. However, it is still important to praise your dog for good behavior.

How To Train A Dog With A Shock Collar – The Right Way

Now that we’ve looked at what is involved in positive reinforcement shock collar training, let’s take a look at how to do it.

Here are a few tips on how to train your dog with it the correct way:

1. Buy A Quality Shock Collar

When it comes to shock collars, you get what you pay for. So, it’s important to buy a quality collar from a reputable company.

This will ensure that the collar is safe and effective. In addition, it’s important to make sure that the collar fits properly. A poorly fitted collar can be uncomfortable for your dog and may even cause injuries. Features to look for in a quality collar out include:

  • A good comfortable fit
  • Durable construction
  • Adjustable settings
  • A remote control
  • A safety shut-off feature

2. Start With Basic And Traditional Training

Before you begin using the shock collar, it’s important to start with basic and traditional training. This will help your dog to learn the commands and associate them with positive reinforcement.

Some of the basic commands that your dog should learn include sit, stay, come, down, off, and heel. Once your dog has learned these commands, you can begin to introduce the shock collar.

You should only move on to using the collar once your dog has a good understanding of the basic commands.

3. Let Your Dog Get Used To The Shock Collar

Before you begin using the shock collar, it’s important to let your dog get used to it. Start by putting the collar on your dog and letting them wear it around the house. Put it on them for small intervals at first and gradually increase the amount of time they wear it.

In addition, make sure to give them plenty of treats and praise so that they associate the collar with something positive.

You should also let them see and hear the remote control so that they know what it is. Once your dog is comfortable with the collar, you can begin using it for training.

4. Show Your Dog The Behavior You Need From Him

The first step in using the shock collar is to show your dog the behavior you need from him. For example, if you want your dog to sit, make sure he is sitting before you give him a command.

If he is not sitting, give him a verbal cue such as “sit” or “stay”. If he does not respond, give him a slight shock. The shock should be enough to get his attention but not hurt him.

Once he responds to the cue, give him a treat and praise him.

5. Try Only To Use The Lowest Correction Levels (vibration)

When training, it’s important to only use the lowest correction level, for example, vibration mode. The goal is to get your dog’s attention, not to hurt him.

If you find that the lowest correction level is not getting his attention, you can try using a higher level. However, make sure to increase the level gradually.

side view of a large dog wearing a shock collar

You should also pay close attention to your dog’s body language. If he seems to be in pain or is yelping, you should stop using the collar and consult with a professional trainer.

6. Ask For Help From Professional Dog Trainers

If you’re having trouble training your dog with the shock collar, it’s important to ask for help from a professional. Dog trainers are experts in using these types of devices and can give you guidance on how to use them effectively.

They can also help you troubleshoot any problems you may be having. The likelihood is that whatever problem you’re having, they’ve seen it before and can help you solve it.

In addition, professional dog trainers can also offer other types of training that may be more effective for your dog.

Shock collar training is an effective way to train your dog but it’s important to do it correctly.

7. Don’t Fully Rely Just On Shock Collar – Try Other Techniques As Well

While shock collar training can be effective, it’s important to not rely on it exclusively. Dogs are intelligent creatures and they can quickly learn how to associate the shock with the specific behavior you’re trying to stop.

For example, if you use the shock collar to stop your dog from barking, he may start to associate the shock with the act of barking and not with the specific behavior you want to stop.

In addition, dogs can also become desensitized to the shocks over time. This means that they may no longer respond to the shocks even when they are used correctly.

For these reasons, it’s important to use other training techniques in addition to the shock collar. This will help ensure that your dog is well-rounded and obedient overall.

Positive reinforcement is a great way to supplement shock collar training.

With positive reinforcement, you provide your dog with a treat or praise whenever he performs the desired behavior.

Hey if interested, I also have an article on how should you place a prong collar on dog.

People Also Ask

How Long Does It Take To Train A Dog On A Shock Collar?

It typically takes around 2-4 weeks to train a dog with a shock collar. However, this can vary depending on the dog’s age, intelligence, and previous training. Also, keep in mind that some dogs may never be fully trained with a shock collar.

Are Shock Collars Good For Training Dogs?

Yes, they can be good to use for training purposes. Shock collars are a controversial topic but they can be effective when used correctly. It’s important to use them as a supplement to other training techniques and not as a replacement.

Is It Cruel To Use A Shock Collar On A Dog?

No, it’s not cruel to use a shock collar on a dog. However, it is important to use them correctly. Shock collars should only be used on dogs over the age of 6 months and they should never be used to hurt the dog.

When Should You Start Using A Shock Collar On A Dog?

You should start using a shock collar on a dog when other training techniques have failed. For example, if your dog is not responding to positive reinforcement or verbal commands, you may want to try using a shock collar.

Do Vibration Collars Hurt Dogs?

No, vibration collars do not hurt dogs. They may startle them at first but they should not cause any pain or discomfort. You can keep the intensity low at first and gradually increase it as your dog gets used to the sensation.

Will A Shock Collar Make My Dog More Aggressive?

No, a shock collar will not make your dog more aggressive. However, it’s important to use them correctly. If you use the collar incorrectly or abuse it, then your dog may become aggressive as a result.


Overall, using a shock collar for shock collar training can be an effective tool when used in conjunction with positive reinforcement.

It’s important to remember that dogs are creatures of habit and will quickly learn which behaviors result in a negative consequence (a shock) and which result in a positive one (praise or treats).

As long as you are patient, consistent, and fair when training your dog with a shock collar, the two of you can enjoy a happy, healthy relationship for years to come.

Do you train your dog with a shock collar? What is your preferred method of training?

Photo of author

Lovelia Horn

I’m a certified crazy dog mom, a physical therapist (for hoomans), writer, animal rescuer, and foster home provider. Together with my hubby Ryan, I’ve fostered and helped look for forever homes for over a hundred shelter dogs in the Southern Illinois area. I mostly work with Puppy Rescue 911, Inc., a certified animal rescue organization based out of Chester, IL (home of Popeye!)

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