Start Early: Potty Training Your Puppy

Potty training a dog is a formidable project to take on especially in the first weeks of a dog’s life. Though most dogs are fairly obedient when they’re between 4 and 6 months of age, some puppies will struggle with potty training and will have occasional accidents inside the house until they’re around eight and twelve months old.

Training your puppy to recognize where the “potty area” in their environment is is very crucial to enjoying future coexistence with your grown-up puppy. The precise period it needs to potty train a pup will vary on the dog’s breed, age, and size.

While a dog grows, his bladder likewise expands, and the duration between potty breaks increases, as does his strength to hold his bladder while kenneled or home alone.

Puppy Development

Puppies are inadequate to discharge on their own up to they enter between 20 and 30 days of age. Till then, their mom spurs them to discharge, causing some toilet-training difficult.

From 1 month to 2 months old, your puppy is detaching from his mom’s milk and won’t be able to can’t endure his bladder for longer than two hours; hence personal hygiene is impossible in this period. His bladder and bowel control is yet emerging for some weeks, consequently. Though, when your puppy enters within 3 and months of age, you can start the potty training operation.

Create A Schedule

Watch everyday situations and your dog’s routines while establishing a calendar. With really juvenile dogs, you must anticipate getting the puppy outside:

  • Firstly in the daylight
  • Subsequent drinking
  • Subsequent consuming
  • Subsequent chewing a bone or toy
  • Upon waking up from a doze
  • Subsequent consuming time in a cage
  • Subsequent playing indoors
  • Last thing in the evening

The faster you convey the impression that there is an established area to potty and that some areas are prohibited, the faster you can set this untidy part behind you.

Observation And Supervision

You need to observe your puppy for specific signs and patterns. A few puppies might be apt to endure it beyond others. Some will need to exit whenever they become elated or play. Some will settle during playtime, urinate, and then continue. Essentially with human toddlers, dog toilet practices are extremely peculiar.

white puppy on toilet seat


Usually, a pup can endure his bladder and bowels for the figure of times similar to his age in months and one. Hence, a 3-month-old dog can abide four hours within pee breaks, as a 4-month-old puppy can hold on to five hours.

Since you need your pup to feel as much progress as feasible throughout his training, idling until these ages to toilet train your puppy enables him to avoid in-house disasters because of a flop to “endure it.” 

Before this event, your puppy must be discharging inside in a place isolated from where he eats, plays, and rests. This generates an antipathy to resting in his urine subsequently.

The Process

Commencing at 3 months old, start taking your puppy outdoor to a chosen toilet zone. Speak “potty,” and when he discharges in the place, provide a delicious reward, and commend him.

In case he doesn’t discharge, take him back inside and attempt following 15 minutes repeatedly. Every two hours, begin with a pee break, and after sleep or meals, upon rousing and prior night. Have your puppy tied to you on a trap, between potty breaks,  so he can’t slip away to discharge.

You can likewise cage your puppy within breaks since he won’t desire to discharge where he rests.

It’s an exhilarating moment when you take your new pet home, though a new dog additionally arrives with hurdles. Amongst the biggest and first hurdles that you might encounter is regarding potty training.

A few puppies will get this instantly, as others will grapple with it briefly. Throughout this training session, consider to be composed, stay patient, and be consistent.

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Lovelia Horn

I’m a certified crazy dog mom, a physical therapist (for hoomans), writer, animal rescuer, and foster home provider. Together with my hubby Ryan, I’ve fostered and helped look for forever homes for over a hundred shelter dogs in the Southern Illinois area. I mostly work with Puppy Rescue 911, Inc., a certified animal rescue organization based out of Chester, IL (home of Popeye!)

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