Is Egg Good For Dogs? Find Out Here

Dogs love eggs! Well most of them anyway! They’re a great source of protein and vitamins, making them a perfect addition to your dog’s diet.

Eggs are also low in calories and easy to digest, making them the perfect treat for your pup.

Your pup may like them, but is egg good for dogs?

Read on, as we’ll explore all the benefits of eggs for dogs and provide some tips on how to safely include them in your dog’s diet. 

Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

Yes, dogs can eat eggs. They are an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and fatty acids.

Eggs are also low in fat and calories which makes them an ideal choice for dogs who lead active lifestyles, or those on a weight management diet.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Eggs?

Raw eggs are not good for dogs.

Your dog could get Salmonella from consuming a raw egg. This unpleasant bacteria infection can lead to vomiting or diarrhea.

Dogs can also develop a biotin deficiency from eating raw egg whites. This is because avidin, an enzyme that blocks biotin absorption in our bodies, is present in egg whites. Biotin is an important vitamin that supports metabolism and healthy skin, cells, digestion, and metabolism.

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Eggs?

Yes, before giving eggs to dogs, they should be cooked. Eggs should be cooked or boiled without any oil, butter, salt or seasonings. These ingredients can be harmful to dogs.

Also, by having them cooked, you’ll be sure to kill any Salmonella bacteria should your dog eat a raw egg.

It doesn’t really matter what kind of eggs your dog likes, be they hard boiled, sunny side up, or scrambled – so long as they are cooked.

Can Dogs Eat Eggshells?

Although yes technically you can, it is recommended to consult the vet to see if they agree.

Consuming eggshells is generally safe and healthy for your dog. Ground eggshells also help restore calcium in your pup’s body, support strong bones and teeth, and remove toxins from the blood.

Eggshells may be beneficial for older dogs suffering from arthritis. According to a 2016 study, eggshell membranes significantly reduced joint pain in over 50 dogs with a variety of joint problems.

However, eggshells are sharp and can damage the stomach and intestinal tract (particularly in smaller dogs), so as a safety measure, ask your vet before giving it to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Egg Yolk?

Dogs can eat cooked egg yolk but they should be careful. Egg yolks are high in energy – calories, fat, and cholesterol. A small amount of cholesterol and fat from egg yolks is safe.

However, it is important to understand that egg yolks are high in cholesterol so large amounts can cause or worsen heart disease or pancreatitis in some dogs.

If your dog is on a weight management diet, it’s best not to feed them egg yolk. Instead, you may give them egg whites instead with the shell removed.

Is Eating Eggs Good For Dogs?

Eggs can be safely consumed by dogs. They are an excellent source of nutrition for your dog. They are rich in protein, fatty acids, vitamins, and other nutrients that can be used to support and build your dog’s health.

raw brown eggs

Sometimes eggs can be used to soothe upset stomachs.

Remember, eggs only taste as good as the chicken from which they were made. Eggs that come from free-range hens who are fed organic food should be given to your dog. 

It is best to get them from a reliable source. Chickens are just like humans. Healthy chickens produce healthier eggs.

In some instances, you should talk to your vet before giving your dog eggs. Dogs with certain medical conditions should not eat eggs.

Always check with your vet before giving eggs to your dog. Too many eggs can lead to obesity and other health problems. Talk to your vet to determine the right amount of eggs for your dog.

When Is Eating Eggs Bad For Dogs?

For the most part, eating eggs is good for dogs. However, there are times when you should not give your dog eggs.

If your dog has diabetes or high cholesterol levels, consult a vet before feeding them eggs is recommended.

Eggs can be bad for dogs with pancreatitis and arthritis. Eggs can cause also anemia in dogs that have been exposed to herbicides or pesticides.

Large amounts of eggs can cause an upset stomach or vomiting. Eggs can also be bad for dogs who are allergic to them. They may react similarly to when humans have allergies to eggs.

Furthermore, if your dog is sick, stay away from giving them eggs because Salmonella bacteria can make them worse.

Benefits Of Feeding Dogs Eggs

Despite the potential dangers of feeding your dog eggs, there are several benefits to doing so. Some of these are:


Eggs are rich in iron, which aids red blood cell production. This helps your dog have more energy and support organ function.

Biotin for healthier skin

Egg yolks are also packed with biotin. Biotin will improve your dog’s skin health by keeping their coat strong and soft. This can

Fatty Acids

Once inside, fatty acids are used to maintain and build body tissues. These fatty acids also aid your dog’s organ functions and boost metabolism to burn more calories.


Eggs are rich in Vitamin A, B Vitamins (B12, riboflavin), Vitamin D, E, K, Calcium, and phosphorus. Dogs need these vitamins for healthy bones and teeth, organ functions, blood production, and improved body growth.

Amino Acids

Eggs also contain amino acids. These are the building blocks of protein and play a significant role in body tissue development.


Eggs provide plenty of high-quality protein from where dogs get their energy from. Protein is used to make enzymes and hormones for organ functions, muscle tissues, and other vital organs within the body.

How Much Egg Is Safe For Dogs?

Egg portions are proportional to the dog’s size and breed. A bigger breed can obviously consume a little more than a small pup. This is a general guide on how much egg is safe for dogs to eat per week:

  • 1 egg – small-sized dog
  • 1 egg – medium-sized dog
  • 2 eggs – large-sized dogs

When you are preparing breakfast for your family, don’t hesitate to dish out an egg to your four-legged friend. Eggs are delicious for all members of the family, including dogs!

The Best Way To Cook Eggs For Dogs

Hard-boiled eggs are best. The preparation is simple and quick for dogs. You can cook a fully cooked hard boiled egg for your dog in 9 to 10 minutes. And the best bit, dogs love them! How do you do it? Follow these simple steps:

  1. In a large pot or saucepan, place the eggs in water.
  2. Make sure eggs are covered all the way with water.
  3. Your stove should be set to high heat
  4. Boil the water in the pot
  5. Set the timer for 9-10 minutes once the water has boiled to ensure that eggs are cooked thoroughly
  6. Allow the egg to cool for five minutes before you give it to your dog.

Simple right! No wonder it is the most popular way to cook them.

You can also bake eggs for your dog in the oven. However, this takes too much time and energy for you to prepare. There is also a chance that you overcook the eggs, rendering them unappealing and unhealthy for your pooch.

What Will Happen If Your Dog Ate Too Many Eggs?

Too many eggs can lead to gastritis and upset stomach, as well as an increase in the risk of obesity for dogs. If your dog is hypoglycemic, then feeding them eggs will make it worse.

cooking eggs on a pan

Egg whites can also pose a choking hazard to dogs if they are not cooked thoroughly or eat too much of them.

Although eggs are beneficial to dogs, they also have the potential to be bad for them if given in excess.

Like with any food you give your dog, moderating consumption is key in maintaining their health.

Possible Side Effects of Giving Your Dog Egg

Some dogs are okay with eggs while others are sensitive to them.

Canines who have issues with eggs might typically show possible side effects such as:

  • Coughing or sneezing
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Allergic reactions, such as hives
  • Trouble breathing
  • Stomach pains or gas

These symptoms typically occur around 30-60 minutes after your dog eats eggs. Most of the time, it clears up on its own without any intervention from a vet.

However, if you notice that your dog is having trouble breathing or has a high fever along with other symptoms, call your vet immediately or go to an emergency clinic.

People Also Ask

Can Puppies Eat Eggs?

Yes, they can but should only be in very small amounts. However, it is probably best to leave eggs out of their diets until they are at least 6 months old. That way, you can be sure that they are not suffering from any egg allergies or won’t choke on them.

Can I Put Egg In My Dog’s Food?

Yes, you can. You can either cook the egg or bake it in the oven for your dog. Cooked eggs provide your dog with high-quality protein. It is best to give your pup a hard-boiled egg, as it is easier to chew and digest for them.

Do Eggs Give Dogs Diarrhea?

Yes, it can to some dogs. Some dogs may be allergic or may have eaten too many eggs. Most likely they will poop it out and be fine. However, if you notice that their stools are loose or smelly, it might be a sign of a bigger issue.


Dogs and eggs go great together and should be part of a healthy diet for your pup. Eggs provide dogs with high-quality protein as well as other nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, which help them maintain healthy skin and coat.

Eggs can also benefit their heart and brain functions as well as maintain healthy bones and joints.

However, just like anything else you give your dog, moderation is key. Make sure that the eggs are fully cooked before feeding them to your pooch. It is also best to keep egg whites away from them if they have trouble digesting them or might be allergic.

Do you feed eggs to your dog? Do they like it?

Share your experience in the comments section below.

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Lovelia Horn

I’m a certified crazy dog mom, a physical therapist (for hoomans), writer, animal rescuer, and foster home provider. Together with my hubby Ryan, I’ve fostered and helped look for forever homes for over a hundred shelter dogs in the Southern Illinois area. I mostly work with Puppy Rescue 911, Inc., a certified animal rescue organization based out of Chester, IL (home of Popeye!)

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