How Long Does It Take For Dogs To Digest Food?

Are you curious about how long does it take for dogs to digest food? You’re not alone! Digestion is an important process that helps dogs get the nutrients they need from their food.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how digestion works in dogs and how long it usually takes for them to digest their food.

We’ll also discuss some things you can do to help your dog’s digestion run smoothly.

So, whether you’re just curious or you’re dealing with a digestive issue, read on!

How Does Canine Digestive System Work?

The digestive system is responsible for breaking down food so that the body can absorb the nutrients it needs.

In dogs, the digestive system starts at the mouth. Dogs use their teeth to break down food into smaller pieces.

The dog’s digestive system is a long series of tubes that run from its mouth to the anus. When they eat food and it enters this tube in one part or another it will be broken down by enzymes secreted into them at various stages along the way before being absorbed into our body or excreted as waste.

Dog’s Digestive Process – 5 Different Stages

As we just mentioned, the digestive system is a long tube that runs from the mouth to the anus.

There are five different stages of dogs digestion:

1. Mouth

The first stage of digestion starts in the mouth. When a dog eats, the teeth tear food into smaller pieces.

As the food is chewed, saliva mixes with it. Saliva contains enzymes that begin to break down carbohydrates in the food.

2. Esophagus

The next stop for food is the esophagus. The esophagus is a tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach.

There are no enzymes secreted in the esophagus, so digestion doesn’t really start here.

The muscles in the esophagus push food down into the stomach.

3. Stomach

The stomach is where things really start to happen. Food is mixed with digestive juices as soon as it enters the stomach.

dog's digestive system

These juices contain enzymes that break down proteins in the food. The stomach also contains hydrochloric acid.

This acidic environment kills bacteria and other microorganisms that might be present in the food.

In the stomach, everything is mixed together and then a thick liquid called chyme is formed.

Chyme is then slowly released into the small intestine.

4. Intestines

The small intestine is where most of the digestion and absorption of nutrients takes place.

As chyme enters the small intestine, more digestive juices are secreted. These juices contain enzymes that break down carbohydrates and fats.

The intestine also absorbs water, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from the food. What can’t be absorbed by the intestine is passed on to the large intestine.

The large intestine’s main job is to absorb water from the indigestible food matter. This makes the stool more solid and easier to pass.

The large intestine also contains bacteria that help break down food. These bacteria produce vitamins that the dog’s body needs, such as vitamin K.

The large intestine is also where feces are stored until they are ready to be passed.

5. Colon

The last stop in the digestive system is the colon and rectum. The colon absorbs water from the feces.

The rectum stores feces until they are ready to be passed through the anus and out of the body.

How Long Does It Take For Dogs To Digest Food?

The time it takes for food to travel through a dog’s digestive system can vary depending on the type of food being eaten.

For example, dry food takes longer to digest than wet food. Also, different dogs have different digestive systems.

Some dogs have faster digestive systems than others. In general, though, it takes about 8 to 10 hours for food to travel through a dog’s digestive system.

So, the next time you’re wondering how long it takes for your dog to digest his kibble, remember that it usually takes about 8 to 10 hours.

Of course, if you’re concerned about your dog’s digestion, it’s always best to talk to your veterinarian.

They can help you figure out if there’s anything wrong with your dog’s digestive system and how to best accommodate it.

Factors That Affect Your Dog’s Digestive System

There are a few different factors that can affect your dog’s digestive system.

These include things like the type of food they’re eating, their age, and any medical conditions they might have.

Let’s take a look at each of these factors in more detail.

Dog Breed And Size

Different dog breeds have different digestive systems. For example, toy breeds tend to have faster digestive systems than larger breeds.

Age Of The Dog

Puppies have faster digestive systems than adult dogs. This is because their bodies are growing and developing quickly. As they get older, their digestive system slows down.

Dog’s Diet

The type of food your dog eats can affect its digestive system. For example, dry food takes longer to digest than wet food.

Certain types of food, such as fatty foods, can also cause problems for some dogs. Also, if your dog eats too much food, it can cause its stomach to bloat. Similarly, eating too fast can also cause digestive problems.

Dog Exercises

Exercise can help to keep your dog’s digestive system working properly. This is because it helps to move food through the intestines.


There are several diseases and medical conditions that can affect your dog’s digestive system.

Some of these include things like gastrointestinal disorders, pancreatitis, cancer, and food allergies.

If you think your dog might have a problem with its digestive system, it’s always best to talk to your veterinarian. They can help you figure out what might be wrong and how to best help your dog.


It’s important for dogs to stay hydrated. This is because water helps to move food through the digestive system.

If your dog doesn’t drink enough water, it can cause constipation. So, make sure your dog has access to fresh, clean water at all times.

6 Common Digestive Problems In Dogs

There are several different digestive problems that can affect dogs. Some of the most common ones include things like vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and pain.

pug eating food on his blue bowl


This is one of the most common digestive problems. It can be caused by things like eating too much, eating too fast, or eating something that doesn’t agree with them. If your dog is vomiting, it’s important to monitor them closely.


This is another common digestive problem. It can be caused by things like a change in diet, an infection, or a disease. If your dog has diarrhea, it’s important to make sure they’re staying hydrated.

Weight Loss

This can be a sign of a more serious problem. It can be caused by things like intestinal parasites, cancer, or other diseases. If you notice your dog losing weight, it’s important to talk to your veterinarian.

Appetite Loss

This can also be a sign of a more serious issue with your dog. It can be caused by things like an infection or cancer for example. If you notice your dog isn’t eating, it’s important to talk to your veterinarian right away.


This can be a serious problem for dogs. It can be caused by things like vomiting, diarrhea, or not drinking enough water. Also, if your dog is on medication, it might be more susceptible to dehydration.


This can be a sign of various digestive problems. It can be caused by things like an ulcer, gastritis, or pancreatitis. Furthermore, if your dog is constipated, it might also experience pain.

Tips For Maintaining Healthy Dog Digestive Tract 

There are several things you can do to help keep your dog’s digestive system healthy.

First, it’s important to feed them a balanced diet. This means giving them food that is high in fiber and low in fat. You should also make sure they’re getting enough water.

Second, you should exercise your dog regularly. This will help to keep their digestive system working properly.

Third, you should take them to the vet for regular checkups. This way, any problems can be caught early and treated accordingly.

Finally, you should always clean up after your dog. This includes picking up their food and water bowls and cleaning up any accidents they have.

By following these tips, you can help to keep your dog’s digestive system healthy and functioning properly.


It’s important to keep an eye on your dog’s digestive system. This is because several problems can affect it. Some of the most common ones include things like vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and pain.

If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to talk to your veterinarian. They can help you figure out what might be wrong and how to best help your dog.

How long does it take for dogs to digest food depends on a few factors. For example, the size of the dog, the type of food they’re eating, and if they’re hydrated.

Remember, by maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, you can help to keep your dog’s digestive system functioning properly.

How is your dog’s digestion? Do you have any more tips on how to improve it?

Photo of author

Lovelia Horn

I’m a certified crazy dog mom, a physical therapist (for hoomans), writer, animal rescuer, and foster home provider. Together with my hubby Ryan, I’ve fostered and helped look for forever homes for over a hundred shelter dogs in the Southern Illinois area. I mostly work with Puppy Rescue 911, Inc., a certified animal rescue organization based out of Chester, IL (home of Popeye!)

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