Can Dogs Have Goldfish Crackers?

Over the course of a normal day, a dog’s nutritional needs are usually taken care of by his lunch,  dinner, and his snacks. At times, however, people eat foods that are also considered edible for dogs.

A personal favorite of mine are goldfish crackers, and it was not until I asked several vets about this type of snack that I made sure to keep my stash away from my pup’s reach!

Can dogs have goldfish crackers incorporated into their diets? Let me share with you in this post the reasons why you should not consider doing so.

Harmful Ingredients In Goldfish Crackers

Is goldfish crackers bad for dogs?

When it comes to dog treats, there’s a lot of conflicting information floating around out there. I get questions from time to time about the safety of specific foods. Everyone knows that dogs and chocolate don’t mix… Or, at least, most people know that.

Confusion reigns over the question of whether dogs can eat goldfish crackers, and the answer is no, I wouldn’t recommend feeding your dog any goldfish crackers.

Let’s break a goldfish cracker into some of its components, and see why this seemingly cute and simple snack could potentially pose dangers to your dogs:


Can dogs have goldfish crackers?

Yes, but it is highly recommended not to feed your dog too much goldfish crackers (better to avoid them altogether), and salt is a component that tops the list of reasons why.

Too much salt can cause problems for your dog. Sodium causes excess fluid retention in many animals, including dogs.

This fluid retention can lead to congestive heart failure or even kidney damage if left unchecked over time; it’s important to keep an eye on how much sodium is in the foods you give your pet and try not to exceed their daily recommended intake.

And while it may seem harmless enough when they’re just snacking on some goldfish crackers, this is in fact one of the reasons why giving these treats–or any other salty snacks, to your pups is highly discouraged.

Garlic and Onion

Garlic and onion can cause anemia in dogs. They contain a substance called thiosulfate, which prevents the body from producing enough red blood cells. This can lead to anemia and other symptoms like fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, and rapid breathing.

garlic and onion

Thiosulfate is also toxic to dogs when taken internally, so even if you’re giving your dog some garlic or onion in their food as a treat, it’s best to limit how much they have.

Garlic and onion are also known for causing stomach upset in dogs, which means that even if you give them a small amount of goldfish crackers with these ingredients, your dog could still get sick after eating them—and this is especially true if your dog eats too many at once.

Enriched Wheat

Enriched wheat is what gives goldfish crackers their crunchy texture. But to make enriched wheat, manufacturers add vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients back into the flour after processing it.

This process strips out all of the fiber from the original grain, which is why you’ll see that enriched flour has no fiber content listed on its nutrition label (unlike whole wheat flour).

When your dog eats enriched wheat—which is an ingredient in goldfish crackers—it will likely get diarrhea as well as a distended abdomen because it can’t digest this type of food properly. You may also notice that your dog has an increased amount of gas (because there’s nothing left in enriched wheat to help break things down).

Additives and Dyes

First, let’s talk about what gives goldfish crackers their color. You may have noticed that these snacks are bright orange and yellow—and if you’ve ever eaten one yourself, you know they’re delicious! It turns out that those colors come from a food dye called FD&C Yellow 5 (also known as tartrazine).

It has been listed as an additive that could trigger allergic reactions in some people. And what’s more, it’s been shown to cause hyperactivity in small children.

So if you want your dog to enjoy her goldfish crackers, you’ll have to do some extra research before feeding them to your fur friends. You should also remember that these treats aren’t recommended for dogs anyway: They’re high in sodium and fat content, and most often contain no nutritional value at all.


Cheese contains a protein called casein that can cause gastrointestinal upset in dogs. This is especially true for small breeds like chihuahuas or dachshunds because these breeds tend to get sick easily when they eat foods with casein.

Casein also has a high fat content, which can cause pancreatitis in dogs who are lactose intolerant (or sensitive).

If your dog has ever had an upset stomach after drinking milk—and you’re sure it wasn’t due to something else—then your dog may be lactose intolerant and should avoid products containing dairy products such as cheese or ice cream.

Extra Oil

Goldfish crackers are made with extra oil, which is not good for dogs. That’s because it can cause pancreatitis—an inflammation of the pancreas that can lead to an attack on the organ itself.

dog given a treat

This is especially bad news for your dog if they already have an underlying condition that makes them more susceptible to such problems. If you suspect your dog has eaten a large amount of goldfish crackers, it’s best to call your vet immediately.

What To Do if My Dog Eats Too Many Goldfish Crackers?

There are a few things you can do if your dog eats too many goldfish crackers:

  • Make sure they stay hydrated by giving them water with their meals.
  • Keep an eye out for any signs of constipation and/or diarrhea, which are common side effects of eating too many high-fat foods like goldfish crackers. If you notice either of these symptoms, you should contact your vet immediately and make an appointment for an exam and lab tests.
  • If the problem persists for more than two days after starting treatment, contact your vet again for further instructions on how to proceed with diagnosing the issue further; often this involves more tests such as X-rays or blood work in order to determine what may be causing the problem in the first place so that we can better treat it accordingly.

How Many Goldfish Can My Dog Eat Without Getting Sick?

Can goldfish crackers kill dogs? Very serious health problems could arise if your pup consumed huge quantities of goldfish crackers. There are several factors to consider when it comes to determining how many Goldfish you can give your dog without risking illness.

First of all, keep in mind that every dog is different. What works for one may not work for another, so always be sure to consult with your veterinarian before giving your dog any new food.

Also, make sure you’re giving your dog a healthy dose of water with those fishy snacks. They need plenty of hydration to help them process their food properly and keep them from getting dehydrated.

Finally—and this might be the most important factor—make sure your dogs have an active lifestyle! Dogs who are active tend to be healthier than those who aren’t, which means they’re better able to handle more treats than dogs who are less active.

Toxicity Treatment for Dogs

Toxicity treatment for dogs is a way to help your dog recover from the effects of toxic substances that have built up in their body. This can be caused by ingesting something like chocolate or taking too many medications.

Most toxins are handled by the liver, and can be treated with medications that help the liver remove them from the body. However, some toxins are more harmful than others and require medical attention.

The treatment involves giving your dog activated charcoal, which absorbs toxins in the digestive tract and prevents them from being absorbed into the bloodstream. It’s important to get to a vet as soon as possible if you think your dog has ingested something toxic, because delaying treatment can be dangerous.

Alternative Nutritious Snacks For Dog

Your dog may be getting a little tired of their regular kibble, and you may be wondering what else they can have as a snack. Luckily, there are many nutritious snacks that are safe for your dog to eat. Here are some alternatives to goldfish crackers:

dog eating a carrot
  • Rawhide bones: Rawhide is made from animal hides and is extremely digestible, which means it’s great for dogs who struggle to digest other foods.
  • Carrots: Carrots are high in fiber and have antioxidants, so they’ll help your dog feel full longer. Just make sure they’re not raw!
  • Jerky treats: Jerky treats are made from meat—usually chicken or beef—and contain protein, making them an excellent source of energy for your dog.

Other Snacks To Avoid

Dogs can eat a lot of different things, and that’s great! But there are some snacks that you’ll want to keep away from your dog.

The first thing we need to talk about is treats. Your dog loves treats, and it’s always so tempting to give them one when they’re being good. But before you do that, think about whether it’s healthy for them. If you have any questions about whether a particular treat is okay for your dog, ask your vet before giving it to them.

Another snack that can be dangerous for dogs is chocolate! Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine—both of which are stimulants that can be toxic in large amounts. It’s best to keep chocolate away from dogs at all times.

And while some people might assume that feeding their dogs bones would be okay because they’re made of bone marrow (which is healthy), those bones can splinter into sharp pieces inside your dog’s digestive tract and cause injury or death if they become lodged there or puncture something important like their throat or intestines.

A reader sent in a question on whether we can also feed our pups some seaweed. Here is an article I wrote on “can seaweed kill dogs?”. Hope you find it helpful!

Crack the Code: Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Safe for Dogs To Eat Ritz Crackers?

Yes, dogs can have Ritz Crackers.

But let’s be honest: these are not exactly the healthiest treat for your canine companion. They’re full of salt and fat (and not much else), so we don’t recommend giving them to your dog in large quantities.

However, if you want to give them a treat every once in a while as a special reward for being such a good boy or girl, then go ahead and give them some Ritz Crackers!

Just remember: moderation is key! If you give your dog too many salty snacks like Ritz Crackers or Goldfish crackers, then it can lead to serious health problems like heart disease and kidney disease because they’ll be consuming way more sodium than they need to be ingesting each day.

round crackers on a white background

Do Goldfish Crackers Cause Dog’s Death?

Yes, if consumed in large amounts. Many people believe that goldfish crackers are actually safe for dogs to eat. However, there is some evidence that they may cause serious health issues in dogs.

Goldfish crackers contain wheat flour and salt, which can be harmful to dogs when consumed in large quantities.

Wheat flour is high in carbohydrates, while salt causes dehydration as it draws water out of the body. Therefore, these two ingredients combined could be dangerous for your dog if consumed in high quantities.

Additionally, goldfish crackers contain artificial colors which may cause an allergic reaction in some dogs. This is especially true for those dogs who already have an allergy to fish or seafood products (which are also used in making these treats).

In severe cases this reaction can lead to anaphylactic shock which requires immediate medical attention. While it may seem harmless to give your dog a few goldfish crackers from time to time as a treat or reward; it’s important to know how much is too much before it becomes too late.

Can Dogs Consume Rainbow Goldfish?

Yes, dogs can have rainbow goldfish crackers, but it’s not an ideal snack for them.

While goldfish crackers aren’t toxic to dogs, they aren’t exactly healthy either. They’re made from wheat flour and artificial coloring, so they’re not a great source of nutrition for a dog. In particular, the artificial ingredients can cause some digestive distress if your dog eats too many of them at once.

The main reason why you wouldn’t want to feed your pup goldfish crackers is that they don’t provide much nutritional value to your dog and could upset their stomachs if eaten in large quantities at once.

Instead of feeding them goldfish crackers as a snack, try offering them something more nutritious like chicken or beef jerky instead. Curious about feeding your pup seafood? See my answers to questions such as “can dogs eat mackerel” and “can dogs eat oysters”.


So, can dogs eat goldfish snacks?

In the end, even though it’s safe for your dog to have some goldfish crackers, you should always keep an eye on them to ensure that they don’t eat too many and potentially hurt themselves.

Goldfish crackers might be tasty to humans, they are loaded with salt and saturated fats that are unhealthy for dogs. Always speak to your vet when it comes to a specific food item and what you can do with it.

Please keep checking in for more articles on what we can (or cannot) feed our pets. For questions and any other inquiries, just shoot us an email at and I will try my best to respond to you as soon as possible! Cheers!

Photo of author

Lovelia Horn

I’m a certified crazy dog mom, a physical therapist (for hoomans), writer, animal rescuer, and foster home provider. Together with my hubby Ryan, I’ve fostered and helped look for forever homes for over a hundred shelter dogs in the Southern Illinois area. I mostly work with Puppy Rescue 911, Inc., a certified animal rescue organization based out of Chester, IL (home of Popeye!)

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