Husky Full Grown – The Perfect Dog For You

Do you love the idea of owning a dog, but are unsure which breed would be best for your lifestyle? If you’re thinking about adding a Husky to your family, you’re making a great choice!

These dogs are friendly, intelligent, and have adorable faces!

Plus, they love being around people, which makes them the perfect pet. Not to mention, they can be easily trained. If you’re looking for a loyal friend, then a husky full-grown is the perfect dog for you.

From generics, nutrition, and why they are so affectionate, read on to learn more about what makes Huskies so special.

At What Age Is A Husky Full Grown?

Sizes can differ between males and females, and it can also vary depending on their bloodline. However, the following is a good example of what to expect:

Male Full Grown Husky:

According to the American Kennel Club, the average height for a male husky is 20 to 24 inches. The average weight for this breed is 45 to 60 pounds.

Female Full Grown Husky:

The average height for a female husky is 20 to 22 inches. They typically weigh around 35 to 50 pounds.

When Do Huskies Stop Growing?

Surprisingly huskies are considered medium-sized dogs, or even mid-sized dogs, rather than larger breeds like St. Bernard or Great Dane. In a little over a year, Huskies can more than double the weight of their parents.

Huskies grow rapidly, gaining more muscle mass and thicker fur coats. Your husky should reach adult size in height and weight by 18 months.

Huskies can, however, continue to gain muscle strength and density into their second year of life.

Your husky will continue to develop until the age of 2. During this time, your dog’s bones should become fully dense and strong, while their muscles will thicken and build up strength.

Not only that, the muscle will become leaner and the fur coat will become denser.

Additionally, the husky’s adult teeth will begin to come in as well. While not exactly like their parents, your huskies’ teeth should be stronger and more resilient to choking or chewing objects by this point.

That is why it is important to feed your full-grown husky high-quality food with the proper amount of nutritional value as they will need fuel for their continued growth.

Factors That Affect Husky Full Growth


Genetics play a huge part in how fast your dog will mature. Like people, they are usually pre-dispositioned to certain traits like size and build.

brown husky on the grass with small flowers

The husky’s parents, also known as the sire and dam, are the best way to predict how big your dog will be.

Such traits are hereditary, which means they can be passed down from previous generations of your dog’s ancestors.

Genetics and growth rate are one of the reasons why breeding is so important. By choosing a proper sire and dam, you can prevent genetic disorders from being passed down to your dog as well as ensure healthy growth rates.

Physical Activity

Physical activity can impact how quickly your dog reaches full size.

If your husky receives sufficient exercise, the odds are they will grow to their full potential faster.

This means eating right and spending time outdoors running, playing, and exploring.

The bulk and weight of a dog’s muscle mass are affected by a lack of exercise. Exercise is essential for huskies. If your dog does enough, it will naturally develop muscle mass.


Huskies need a good diet to maintain healthy growth. In general, the husky’s metabolism is strong even when compared to other breeds.

This means that they have a fast rate of burning calories and tend to feel very hungry all the time. Because huskies have high metabolisms but are also active, you should feed them a high-quality diet.

If they are hungry, feeding them more is not the answer and this won’t help them reach full size. A healthy diet that provides all of the nutrients your dog needs is essential to promote healthy growth.

The amount you feed your husky each day should be based on their activity level, age, and unique traits.

As a general rule, it is always better to give them smaller meals throughout the day rather than one large meal.


Exercise and a healthy diet can help increase the dog’s growth rate, but unfortunately, certain health conditions may affect how quickly your husky reaches full size.

A few common examples of these health issues include:

Gastric Dilation and Volvulus (GDV) 

GDV is more commonly known as canine bloat. It occurs when the stomach fills with air and twists at least 180 degrees, which cuts off blood flow to the heart.

Husky bloat is more common in larger breeds like the husky. Symptoms of this condition include drooling, retching, lethargy, vomiting, and blue discoloration in the gums that may lead to shock and death.


Gastritis typically affects younger dogs who have recently been fed a new diet or food that doesn’t sit well with them. It is an inflammation of the stomach lining from eating something they should not have.

Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, and weight loss over time.

Hip Dysplasia 

Hip dysplasia is a health condition that affects the hips, which can lead to mobility issues. It happens when the head of the femur does not smoothly fit in a hip socket, which leads to pain and arthritis.

To prevent this from occurring, you have to make sure your dog maintains a healthy weight.

Dogs who are overweight are more likely to develop hip dysplasia. As the dog’s body mass increases so does the pressure put on their joints, which can cause hip dysplasia or other joint problems.

Overfeeding your husky while they are young will increase their risk of developing these health problems.

Full Grown Husky – Main Characteristics

Of course, every dog is unique and has their own unique personality and traits. However, huskies are known for a few specific characteristics.

female playing with affectionate husky

These are some of the most common characteristics you can expect from your adorable husky.


Huskies are known for being very affectionate, which makes them great companion dogs.

They are gentle and loyal to trusted people, family members, and even strangers. If trained and socialized from an early age, they are great family dogs.

However, huskies need to be taught and socialized from an early age or they will try to take control of the household.

Highly Intelligent

Huskies are highly intelligent dogs. They are very easy to train which makes them perfect for families who want a dog that they can easily teach new tricks to.

They have great problem-solving skills, so teaching them something new is always an adventure for both pets and owners.

They are also very adaptable to new environments, which makes them perfect dogs for new owners.


Huskies were bred as sled dogs and are known for their incredible ability to run. They need plenty of exercise every day or they can become destructive both indoors and outdoors.

If they don’t get enough exercise, huskies can engage in activities they find entertaining such as:

  • Digging and chewing carpets and furniture
  • Running away from their owner
  • Excessive howling or barking

If you decide to bring a husky into your home, it is very important that you dedicate time each day for exercise and playtime activities.


Huskies are very loyal dogs. They fiercely protect their family and will make sure they know if anyone is trying to enter the home or cause them harm.

It is important that you socialize your husky at an early age so they learn not to be afraid of strangers when they are older.

They will become protective over their family and will even try to take on any threat – from a stranger to another dog.


Huskies can gain weight very easily and quickly. If allowed, they will eat more than what is recommended for their size and age.

It is important that you set a strict schedule for your husky’s mealtimes and monitor how much food he or she has each day.

If you do not, then it is very possible that your husky could gain too much weight.

If this happens, then your husky will have a higher risk of developing many different health problems including:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Bloat
  • Obesity
  • Joint problems
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes

Feeding your husky the proper amount of food each day will keep them healthy and happy.

It is recommended that you feed adult dogs three to four cups of dry dog food each day. You can split this into different meals, but make sure you pick a schedule and stick to it.

A diet of high-quality, nutritious kibble food and they will be healthy and happy.

Full Grown Husky Neck Size

The neck measurement of your Husky will allow you to choose the right collar size. Before purchasing a collar, it is advisable to know your Husky’s neck measurement.

To determine Husky’s neck size, use a flexible and soft measuring tool. To ensure the collar fits perfectly, place two fingers between the tape measure’s end and the neck of your Husky.

The ideal Husky neck size is between 16 and 22 inches.

Here are 3 examples of properly fitted, appropriately sized husky collars I recommend:

  1. Country Brook Petz - Martingale Heavyduty Nylon Dog Collar
  2. Classic Comfort Premium Nylon Neoprene Padded Dog Collar
  3. Quick Release Dog Training Collar with Easy Buckle Release

Biggest Full Grown Huskies – What Breed Of Husky Is The Biggest?

Not many people know that there are 8 different breeds of huskies.

malamute outdoors in autumn

As you may know already, Husky’s come in many sizes; small, medium, big and giant. Even though all these breeds are huskies they have different qualities and were bred for a particular reason.

However, there is one question that has been asked of me several times…what breed of husky is the biggest?

The biggest full-grown Husky is the Alaskan Malamute. This breed of dog stands at about 26 to 32 inches tall and weighs about 80 to 100 pounds.

This type of dog is very strong, intelligent, brave, and confident. They are not for everyone because they require special treatment and training.

Getting this breed as a pet will surely be an experience you will never forget! Here are a few facts to know about the Alaskan Malamute:

  • This type of dog is well-known for its strength so you have to keep an eye on them when they play with children.
  • You should trim their nails quite often because they grow very fast and malamutes are not pets that like getting their nails trimmed!
  • If you want this type of dog, you should prepare yourself for a long and challenging journey. This is not an animal that will come with training manuals!
  • Alaskan Malamutes are good in cold environments, but they actually love playing in the water.
  • They are not known as the easiest breed of dog to train, but they are very smart. You can’t expect them to understand things easily or obey you right away, but with the proper training methods, you will succeed.

As mentioned earlier, there are 8 different breeds of huskies. These are:

  • Alaskan Malamute
  • Labrador Husky
  • Greenland Dog
  • Siberian husky
  • Samoyed
  • Minature Husky
  • Alaskan Husky
  • Chinook Dog

People Also Ask

How Big Do Huskies Get Full Grown?

The height of a husky full-grown is usually around 20 – 24 inches. The height can vary depending on genetics so it’s hard to tell how big they are going to grow. The average weight of a husky full-grown is usually around 45 – 60 lbs.

At What Age Are Huskies Fully Grown?

Most huskies are full-grown by the time they reach 18 – 24 months. If you think that your husky is still growing at the age of 2, it’s probably a result of good nutrition and healthy living. A good breeder will be able to tell you the exact age of a husky once it is fully-grown.

How much is a full-grown husky worth?

The price varies based on the breeder, but it usually costs around $1,000 – $3,000 for an average husky. Other factors that can affect the price are the location of the breeder, the lineage of the dog, and whether or not it is already trained.


If you are looking for a dog that is going to be a loyal and loving member of your family, a Husky may be perfect for you.

Make sure to take into account all of the different factors that can affect their full growth though, so you can provide them with the best possible home environment and care.

And remember, while they may look imposing, Huskies are gentle giants at heart and make great pets for people of all ages.

Do you own a full-grown husky? Share your husky growing experience with us.

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Lovelia Horn

I’m a certified crazy dog mom, a physical therapist (for hoomans), writer, animal rescuer, and foster home provider. Together with my hubby Ryan, I’ve fostered and helped look for forever homes for over a hundred shelter dogs in the Southern Illinois area. I mostly work with Puppy Rescue 911, Inc., a certified animal rescue organization based out of Chester, IL (home of Popeye!)

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